Tanzania import

Tanzania Import Data

In this report, we also include the importers’/exporter's names and address details in our customs database. In our comprehensive customs database, we ensure that every detail is meticulously recorded, including the importer and exporter name and address, for seamless communication and efficient trade data for businesses worldwide.

The United Republic of Tanzania is another name for Tanzania. Tanzania is located close to the African Great Lakes in East Africa. The nation borders several other nations, including Malawi, Zambia, Kenya, Uganda, and the Comoro Islands. Tanzania is home to about 120 different ethnic and religious groups. According to ECI, Tanzania ranks 87th out of all nations with the most complex economy based on import statistics. Tanzania imported goods worth a total of $15.6 billion in 2022. Tanzania's imports of goods rose by 43% from 2021 to 2022. In 2022, imports of goods increased by $4.78 billion. Tanzania's import rankings for the year 2022 place it 96th out of 226 countries in terms of total imports worldwide. With its diverse economy and bustling trade, Tanzania has become a significant player in the global import market. We will now delve deep into Tanzania's import data, examining the latest trends, the key sectors driving the import growth, and the projected outlook for 2022.

 Tanzania Import Data | Tanzania Customs Data


The country has been ranked 96th in global imports, showing a significant position in the international trade landscape and import market.


With a mere 0.05% share in global import trade, it becomes evident that its presence in the international import market is fairly on the rise.


China holds a significant role as the largest import partner of the country in terms of goods imports and import share.


Petroleum oil and waste oil are the biggest import commodities of the country, playing a vital role in its economy.


Top 10 Imports of Tanzania

According to the latest available data, Tanzania's imports have been on an upward trajectory in recent years. The country has witnessed a steady increase in the value of imports across multiple sectors. This growth indicates a robust and evolving economy that actively participates in global trade. Tanzania's top 10 imports in 2022, according to its import data are:

  • Petroleum oils and waste oils: 23% ($3.65 billion)
  • Tractors: 2.5% ($392 million)
  • Medicaments: 2.33% ($364 million)
  • Human blood; animal blood for therapeutic, or diagnostic uses: 2.24% ($352 million)
  • Flat-rolled products of iron or nonalloy steel: 2.14% ($335 million)
  • Wheat and meslin: 2.12% ($333 million)
  • Motor vehicles for the transport of goods: 1.93% ($302 million)
  • Motor cars and other motor vehicles: 1.81% ($284 million)
  • Mineral or chemical fertilizers, nitrogenous: 1.75% ($274 million)
  • Mineral fertilizers containing two of the fertilizing elements nitrogen: 1.67% ($261 million)
  • Partners

    Top 10 Import Partners of Tanzania

    Tanzania's import data provides valuable insights into its trading partners. The analysis of Tanzania's import data has provided us with a comprehensive understanding of the country's import landscape. China is the largest import partner of Tanzania. Tanzania's top 10 import partners in 2022 include:

    Value In Percentage(%)

  • China: 25% (3.94 billion US$)
  • United Arab Emirates: 15.9% (2.49 billion US$)
  • India: 12.5% (1.96 billion US$)
  • Saudi Arabia: 3.89% (610 million US$)
  • South Africa: 3.5% (548 million US$)
  • Japan: 3.33% (521 million US$)
  • Kenya: 2.72% (426 million US$)
  • USA: 2.18% (341 million US$)
  • Turkey: 1.62% (254 million US$)
  • Germany: 1.62% (254 million US$)
  • Sample Data

    Understanding Tanzania Import Data

    We obtain trustworthy data from organizations, shipping businesses, and customs ports. This Trade Data contains a wide range of fields, such as HS codes, product descriptions, prices, quantities, origin country, destination country, and port names together with currency values. For traders and marketers, this trade data is crucial information that helps them to make informed decisions. From the HS codes and product descriptions to the quantity and cost of each product, everything can be obtained through this trade data. We have included a sample of this trade data for your convenience and greater understanding so that you can see what the trade data looks like as a whole, with complete details.

    So, as you can see that in this report, we also include the importers’/exporter's names and address details. In this comprehensive customs database, we ensure that every detail is meticulously recorded, which makes this trade data efficient for businesses worldwide. Tanzania Import data provides critical insights into the goods and services brought into the country from overseas. It encompasses various aspects, including the value of imports, the countries of origin, the commodities imported, and any tariffs imposed. Tanzania's import data plays a pivotal role in economic analysis, policymaking, and business decision-making. It offers a wealth of information to policymakers, traders, and investors, helping them understand market trends, identify potential opportunities, and devise effective strategies to navigate the import landscape. According to Tanzania's customs data, Tanzania imported goods worth a total of $15.6 billion in 2022. We offer you really helpful and educational information about Tanzanian import and trade data. All of the information in our database is derived from recently updated shipping bills, invoices, and other crucial transaction documents. We obtain trustworthy data from Tanzanian customs ports, organizations, and other shipping firms. Tanzanian trade data contains a wide range of fields, such as HS codes, product descriptions, quantities and prices, port names, and currency values.


    Benefits of Tanzania’s Import Data

  • Expand your firm into the Tanzanian Market.
  • View Tanzania's most recent product demand and price projections.
  • Track and Examine the Shipment History of Your Rivals.
  • Give your marketing plan an approach based on data.
  • Create a powerful brand identity in Tanzania.
  • Create more ROI and long-term business goals.
  • You’ll receive the name and address of the importer/exporter in our reports.
  • Frequently Asked Questions!!

    Tanzania's import data for 2022 refers to the statistics and information on the goods and services that the country has imported in the year 2022.

    Tanzania's import data is collected by the country's customs authority through the declaration forms submitted by importers when their goods enter the country.

    The purpose of collecting import data in Tanzania is to track the country's international trade and monitor the inflow of goods and services into the country.

    Tanzania's main trading partners include China, India, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates.

    Some of the top imported products in Tanzania are machinery and mechanical appliances, vehicles, electrical equipment, mineral fuels, and pharmaceutical products.

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