Search By Harmonized Code System

HS Code - 84

HS Code


8401 Nuclear reactors; fuel elements (cartridges), non-irradiated, for nuclear reactors; machinery and apparatus for isotopic separation
840110 Nuclear reactors
840120 Machinery and apparatus for isotopic separation, and parts thereof
840130 Fuel elements (cartridges), non-irradiated
8401300020 Non-irradiated hexagonal fuel modules (elements) for use in nuclear reactors
8401300080 Other
840140 Parts of nuclear reactors
8401400010 Stainless steel absorber control rods, filled with neutron absorbing chemical elements
8401400090 Other
8402 Steam or other vapour generating boilers (other than central heating hot water boilers capable also of producing low pressure steam); superheated water boilers
840211 Steam or other vapour generating boilers
840211 Watertube boilers with a steam production exceeding 45|tonnes per hour
840212 Watertube boilers with a steam production not exceeding 45|tonnes per hour
840219 Other vapour generating boilers, including hybrid boilers
84021910 Firetube boilers
84021990 Other
840220 Superheated water boilers
840290 Parts
8403 Central heating boilers other than those of heading|8402
840310 Boilers
84031010 Of cast iron
84031090 Other
840390 Parts
84039010 Of cast iron
84039090 Other
8404 Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of heading|8402|or 8403|(for example, economisers, superheaters, soot removers, gas recoverers); condensers for steam or other vapour power units
840410 Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of heading|8402|or 8403
840420 Condensers for steam or other vapour power units
840490 Parts
8405 Producer gas or water gas generators, with or without their purifiers; acetylene gas generators and similar water process gas generators, with or without their purifiers
840510 Producer gas or water gas generators, with or without their purifiers; acetylene gas generators and similar water process gas generators, with or without their purifiers
840590 Parts
8406 Steam turbines and other vapour turbines
840610 Turbines for marine propulsion
840681 Other turbines
840681 Of an output exceeding 40|MW
840682 Of an output not exceeding 40|MW
8406820010 Industrial steam turbine with: -an output of 5 MW or more but not more than 40 MW, -designed for a pressure of not more than 140 bar and a temperature of not more than 540 ° C, -equipped with double seat valves on the live steam side which are opera
8406820090 Other
840690 Parts
84069010 Stator blades, rotors and their blades
84069090 Other
8407 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines
840710 Aircraft engines
8407100010 For use in civil aircraft
8407100020 Intended to be fitted in aircraft imported duty free or built within the Community
8407100090 Other
840721 Marine propulsion engines
840721 Outboard motors
84072110 Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 325|cm$3
84072191 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 325|cm$3
84072191 Of a power not exceeding 30|kW
84072199 Of a power exceeding 30|kW
840729 Other
840731 Reciprocating piston engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of Chapter|87
840731 Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50|cm$3
840732 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50|cm$3|but not exceeding 250|cm$3
84073210 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50|cm$3|but not exceeding 125|cm$3
84073290 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 125|cm$3|but not exceeding 250|cm$3
840733 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250|cm$3|but not exceeding 1|000|cm$3
84073320 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250|cm$3|but not exceeding 500|cm$3
8407332010 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines, having a cylinder capacity of not less than 300 cm³ and a power of not less than 6 kW or more but not more than 20,0 kW, for the manufacture of: -lawn mowers of subheadings 8433 
8407332090 Other
84073380 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 500|cm$3|but not exceeding 1000|cm$3
8407338010 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines, having a cylinder capacity of not less than 300 cm³ and a power of not less than 6 kW or more but not more than 20,0 kW, for the manufacture of: -lawn mowers of subheadings 8433 
8407338090 Other
840734 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1|000|cm$3
84073410 For the industrial assembly of: pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading|8701|10; motor vehicles of heading|8703; motor vehicles of heading|8704|with an engine of a cylinder capacity of less than 2|800|cm$3; motor vehicles of heading|8705
8407341010 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines, with: -a cylinder capacity of 1 200 cm³ or more but not more than 2 000 cm³ -a power of 95 kW but not more than 135 kW, -a weight of not more than 120 kg, for use in the manu
8407341090 Other
84073430 Other
84073430 Used
84073491 New, of a cylinder capacity
84073491 Not exceeding 1|500|cm$3
84073499 Exceeding 1|500|cm$3
840790 Other engines
84079010 Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 250|cm$3
8407901010 Four-stroke petrol engines of a cylinder capacity of not more than 250 cm³ for use in the manufacture of garden equipment of heading 8432, 8433, 8436 or 8508
8407901090 Other
84079050 Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250|cm$3
84079050 For the industrial assembly of: pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading|8701|10; motor vehicles of heading|8703; motor vehicles of heading|8704|with an engine of a cylinder capacity of less than 2|800|cm$3; motor vehicles of heading|8705
84079080 Other
84079080 Of a power not exceeding 10|kW
8407908010 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines, having a cylinder capacity of not less than 300 cm³ and a power of not less than 6 kW or more but not more than 20,0 kW, for the manufacture of: -lawn mowers of subheadings 8433 
8407908090 Other
84079090 Of a power exceeding 10|kW
8407909010 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines, having a cylinder capacity of not less than 300 cm³ and a power of not less than 6 kW or more but not more than 20,0 kW, for the manufacture of: -lawn mowers of subheadings 8433 
8407909020 Compact Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) Engine System, with: -|6|cylinders, -|an output of 75|kW or more, but not more than 80|kW, -|inlet and exhaust valves modified to operate|continuously in heavy duty applications, for use in the manufacture of veh
8407909090 Other
8408 Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines)
840810 Marine propulsion engines
84081011 Used
84081011 For seagoing vessels of headings|8901|to 8906, tugs of subheading|8904|00|10|and warships of subheading|8906|10|00
84081019 Other
84081023 New, of a power
84081023 Not exceeding 50|kW
84081023 For seagoing vessels of headings|8901|to 8906, tugs of subheading|8904|00|10|and warships of subheading|8906|10|00
84081027 Other
84081031 Exceeding 50|kW but not exceeding 100|kW
84081031 For seagoing vessels of headings|8901|to 8906, tugs of subheading|8904|00|10|and warships of subheading|8906|10|00
84081039 Other
84081041 Exceeding 100|kW but not exceeding 200|kW
84081041 For seagoing vessels of headings|8901|to 8906, tugs of subheading|8904|00|10|and warships of subheading|8906|10|00
84081049 Other
84081051 Exceeding 200|kW but not exceeding 300|kW
84081051 For seagoing vessels of headings|8901|to 8906, tugs of subheading|8904|00|10|and warships of subheading|8906|10|00
84081059 Other
84081061 Exceeding 300|kW but not exceeding 500|kW
84081061 For seagoing vessels of headings|8901|to 8906, tugs of subheading|8904|00|10|and warships of subheading|8906|10|00
84081069 Other
84081071 Exceeding 500|kW but not exceeding 1|000|kW
84081071 For seagoing vessels of headings|8901|to 8906, tugs of subheading|8904|00|10|and warships of subheading|8906|10|00
84081079 Other
84081081 Exceeding 1|000|kW but not exceeding 5|000|kW
84081081 For seagoing vessels of headings|8901|to 8906, tugs of subheading|8904|00|10|and warships of subheading|8906|10|00
84081089 Other
84081091 Exceeding 5|000|kW
84081091 For seagoing vessels of headings|8901|to 8906, tugs of subheading|8904|00|10|and warships of subheading|8906|10|00
84081099 Other
840820 Engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of Chapter|87
84082010 For the industrial assembly of: pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading|8701|10; motor vehicles of heading|8703; motor vehicles of heading|8704|with an engine of a cylinder capacity of less than 2|500|cm$3; motor vehicles of heading|8705
84082031 Other
84082031 For wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors, of a power
84082031 Not exceeding 50|kW
84082035 Exceeding 50|kW but not exceeding 100|kW
84082037 Exceeding 100|kW
84082051 For other vehicles of Chapter|87, of a power
84082051 Not exceeding 50|kW
84082055 Exceeding 50|kW but not exceeding 100|kW
84082057 Exceeding 100|kW but not exceeding 200|kW
84082099 Exceeding 200|kW
840890 Other engines
84089021 For rail traction
84089027 Other
84089027 Used
8408902710 For use in civil aircraft
8408902790 Other
84089041 New, of a power
84089041 Not exceeding 15|kW
8408904110 For use in civil aircraft
8408904120 Diesel engines of a power of not more than 15|kW, with 2|or 3|cylinders, for use in the manufacture of vehicle mounted temperature control systems
8408904190 Other
84089043 Exceeding 15|kW but not exceeding 30|kW
8408904310 For use in civil aircraft
8408904320 Diesel engines of a power of not more than 30|kW, with 4|cylinders, for use in the manufacture of vehicle mounted temperature control systems
8408904340 4|Cylinder, 4|cycle, liquid cooled, compression-ignition engine having: -|a capacity of not more than 3|850|cm$3, and -|a rated output of 15|kW or more but not more than 85|kW, for use in the manufacture of vehicles of heading 8427
8408904390 Other
84089045 Exceeding 30|kW but not exceeding 50|kW
8408904510 For use in civil aircraft
8408904530 4|Cylinder, 4|cycle, liquid cooled, compression-ignition engine having: -|a capacity of not more than 3|850|cm$3, and -|a rated output of 15|kW or more but not more than 85|kW, for use in the manufacture of vehicles of heading 8427
8408904590 Other
84089047 Exceeding 50|kW but not exceeding 100|kW
8408904710 For use in civil aircraft
8408904750 Other
8408904750 4|Cylinder, 4|cycle, liquid cooled, compression-ignition engine having: -|a capacity of not more than 3|850|cm$3, and -|a rated output of 15|kW or more but not more than 85|kW, for use in the manufacture of vehicles of heading 8427
8408904799 Other
84089061 Exceeding 100|kW but not exceeding 200|kW
8408906110 For use in civil aircraft
8408906190 Other
84089065 Exceeding 200|kW but not exceeding 300|kW
8408906510 For use in civil aircraft
8408906520 Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines: -of the inline type, -with a cylinder capacity of 7 100 cm³ or more but not more than 18 000 cm³, -with a power of 205 kW or more but not more than 597 kW, -with an exhaust after-treatment m
8408906590 Other
84089067 Exceeding 300|kW but not exceeding 500|kW
8408906710 For use in civil aircraft
8408906720 Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines: -of the inline type, -with a cylinder capacity of 7 100 cm³ or more but not more than 18 000 cm³, -with a power of 205 kW or more but not more than 597 kW, -with an exhaust after-treatment m
8408906790 Other
84089081 Exceeding 500|kW but not exceeding 1|000|kW
8408908110 For use in civil aircraft
8408908120 Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines: -of the inline type, -with a cylinder capacity of 7 100 cm³ or more but not more than 18 000 cm³, -with a power of 205 kW or more but not more than 597 kW, -with an exhaust after-treatment m
8408908190 Other
84089085 Exceeding 1|000|kW but not exceeding 5|000|kW
8408908510 For use in civil aircraft
8408908590 Other
84089089 Exceeding 5|000|kW
8408908910 For use in civil aircraft
8408908990 Other
8409 Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the engines of heading|8407|or 8408
840910 For aircraft engines
8409100010 For engines for use in civil aircraft
8409100020 Intended to be fitted in aircraft imported duty free or built within the Community
8409100090 Other
840991 Other
840991 Suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines
8409910025 Air intake module for engine cylinders consisting of: -a suction pipe, -a pressure sensor, -an electric throttle, -hoses, -brackets, for use in the manufacture of engines of motor vehicles
8409910035 Fuel distribution pipe complete consisting of rail pipe, high pressure sensor and injectors for direct gasoline fuel injection with: -an operating pressure of not more than 22,5 MPa, -solenoid direct injector, -analog pressure sensor for not more th
8409910040 Fuel injector with solenoid valve for optimized atomization in the combustion chamber for use in the manufacture of spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines of motor vehicles
8409910045 Metal alloy intake and exhaust valve with a Rockwell hardness HRC 20 or more, but not more than HRC 50 for use in the manufacture of spark or compression ignition engines of motor vehicles
8409910050 Exhaust manifold with turbine housing of turbochargers with: -|a heat-resistance of not more than 1|050|°C, and -|a hole to insert a turbine wheel, whereby|the hole has a diameter of 28|mm or more, but not more than 181|mm
8409910053 The exhaust gas recirculation assembly consisting of: -a control unit, -an air throttle, -an intake pipe, -an outlet hose, for use in the manufacture of spark-ignition or compression-ignition combustion engines of motor vehicles
8409910055 Nozzle body for the regulation of angle and distribution of fuel injection: -of a cylindrical shape, -made of stainless steel, -with 4 or more, but not more than 16 holes, -with a flow rate of 100 cm³/minute or more, but not more than 500 cm³/minu
8409910070 Inlet manifold, exclusively for use in the manufacture of the motor vehicles with: -a width of 40 mm or more but not more than 70 mm, -valves length of 250 mm or more but not more than 350 mm, -air volume of 5,2 litres, and -an electrical flow control
8409910075 Housing of fuel injection valve for generating an electromagnetic field to actuate the injection valve with: -an inlet diameter of 2 mm or more, but not more than 10 mm, -an outlet diameter of 2 mm or more, but not more than 10 mm, -an electric coil
8409910080 Nozzle needle for opening and closing the flow of fuel in the engine, with: -2 holes, -4 grooves, -a diameter of 3 mm or more, but not more than 6 mm, -a length of 25 mm or more, but not more than 35 mm, -made of stainless steel with hard-chrome
8409910085 Cylinder head blank for a four cylinder engine with 10 cores, made of aluminium alloy EN AC-45500, with: -no other components, -a hardness of 52 HRB or more, -casting defects size of not more than 0,4 mm and not more than 10 defects per cm², -a de
8409910090 Other
840999 Other
8409990010 Injectors with solenoid valve for optimised atomisation in the engine combustion chamber
8409990025 Hoses assembly for fuel return from injectors to engine fuel unit consisting of at least: - three rubber hoses, whether or not with a protective braided sleeving, - three connectors for connecting fuel injectors, - five metal clamps, - one T-shape
8409990055 Exhaust manifold with turbine housing of turbochargers with: -|a heat-resistance of not more than 1|050|°C, and -|a hole to insert a turbine wheel, whereby|the hole has a diameter of 28|mm or more, but not more than 181|mm
8409990060 Intake manifold for air supply to the engine cylinders, comprising at least: -|a throttle, -|a boost pressure sensor for use in the manufacture of compression ignition engines of motor vehicles
8409990065 The exhaust gas recirculation assembly consisting of: -a control unit, -an air throttle, -an intake pipe, -an outlet hose, for use in the manufacture of spark-ignition or compression-ignition combustion engines of motor vehicles
8409990070 Metal alloy intake and exhaust valve with a Rockwell hardness HRC 20 or more, but not more than HRC 50 for use in the manufacture of spark or compression ignition engines of motor vehicles
8409990075 High pressure fuel rail of galvanized ferrite-pearlite steel with: -at least one pressure sensor and one valve, -a length of 314 mm or more but not more than 322 mm, -an operating pressure not more than 225 MPa, -an inlet temperature not more than
8409990080 High pressure oil jet|nozzle|for engine piston cooling and lubrication with: -|an opening pressure of 1|bar or more, but not more than 3|bar, -|a closing pressure of more than 0,7|bar, -|a one-way valve for use in the manufacture of compression igni
8409990090 Other
8410 Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and regulators therefor
841011 Hydraulic turbines and water wheels
841011 Of a power not exceeding 1|000|kW
841012 Of a power exceeding 1|000|kW but not exceeding 10|000|kW
841013 Of a power exceeding 10|000|kW
841090 Parts, including regulators
8411 Turbojets, turbopropellers and other gas turbines
841111 Turbojets
841111 Of a thrust not exceeding 25|kN
8411110010 For use in civil aircraft
8411110020 Intended to be fitted in aircraft imported duty free or built within the Community
8411110090 Other
841112 Of a thrust exceeding 25|kN
84111210 Of a thrust exceeding 25|kN but not exceeding 44|kN
8411121010 For use in civil aircraft
8411121020 Intended to be fitted in aircraft imported duty free or built within the Community
8411121090 Other
84111230 Of a thrust exceeding 44|kN but not exceeding 132|kN
8411123010 For use in civil aircraft
8411123020 Intended to be fitted in aircraft imported duty free or built within the Community
8411123090 Other
84111280 Of a thrust exceeding 132|kN
8411128010 For use in civil aircraft
8411128020 Intended to be fitted in aircraft imported duty free or built within the Community
8411128090 Other
841121 Turbopropellers
841121 Of a power not exceeding 1|100|kW
8411210010 For use in civil aircraft
8411210020 Intended to be fitted in aircraft imported duty free or built within the Community
8411210090 Other
841122 Of a power exceeding 1|100|kW
84112220 Of a power exceeding 1|100|kW but not exceeding 3|730|kW
8411222010 For use in civil aircraft
8411222020 Intended to be fitted in aircraft imported duty free or built within the Community
8411222090 Other
84112280 Of a power exceeding 3|730|kW
8411228010 For use in civil aircraft
8411228020 Intended to be fitted in aircraft imported duty free or built within the Community
8411228090 Other
841181 Other gas turbines
841181 Of a power not exceeding 5|000|kW
8411810010 For use in civil aircraft
8411810090 Other
841182 Of a power exceeding 5|000|kW
84118220 Of a power exceeding 5|000|kW but not exceeding 20|000|kW
8411822010 For use in civil aircraft
8411822090 Other
84118260 Of a power exceeding 20|000|kW but not exceeding 50|000|kW
8411826010 For use in civil aircraft
8411826090 Other
84118280 Of a power exceeding 50|000|kW
8411828010 For use in civil aircraft
8411828090 Other
841191 Parts
841191 Of turbojets or turbopropellers
8411910010 For use in civil aircraft
8411910020 Intended to be fitted in aircraft imported duty free or built within the Community
8411910090 Other
841199 Other
8411990010 Of gas turbines, for use in civil aircraft
8411990020 Other
8411990020 Wheel-shaped gas turbine component with blades, of a kind used in turbochargers: -|of a precision-cast nickel based alloy complying with standard DIN G- NiCr13Al6MoNb or DIN G- NiCr13Al16MoNb or DIN G- NiCo10W10Cr9AlTi or DIN G- NiCr12Al6MoNb or AMS AIS
8411990030 Turbine housing of turbochargers with: -|a heat-resistance of not more than 1|050|°C, and -|a hole to insert a turbine wheel, whereby|the hole has a diameter of 28|mm or more, but not more than 181|mm
8411990099 Other
8412 Other engines and motors
841210 Reaction engines other than turbojets
8412100010 For use in civil aircraft
8412100020 Intended to be fitted in aircraft imported duty free or built within the Community
8412100090 Other
841221 Hydraulic power engines and motors
841221 Linear acting (cylinders)
84122120 Hydraulic systems
8412212010 For use in civil aircraft
8412212090 Other
84122180 Other
8412218010 For use in civil aircraft
8412218090 Other
841229 Other
84122920 Hydraulic systems
8412292010 For use in civil aircraft
8412292090 Other
84122981 Other
84122981 Hydraulic fluid power motors
8412298110 For use in civil aircraft
8412298190 Other
84122989 Other
8412298910 For use in civil aircraft
8412298990 Other
841231 Pneumatic power engines and motors
841231 Linear acting (cylinders)
8412310010 For use in civil aircraft
8412310090 Other
841239 Other
8412390010 For use in civil aircraft
8412390020 Actuator for a single-stage turbocharger: -|whether or not with conducting horns and connecting sleeves, having an operating distance of 20|mm or more but not more than 40|mm, -|with a length of not more than 350|mm, -|with a diameter of not more th
8412390090 Other
841280 Other
84128010 Steam or other vapour power engines
84128080 Other
8412808010 For use in civil aircraft
8412808090 Other
841290 Parts
84129020 Of reaction engines other than turbojets
8412902010 For use in civil aircraft
8412902020 Intended to be fitted in aircraft imported duty free or built within the Community
8412902090 Other
84129040 Of hydraulic power engines and motors
8412904010 For use in civil aircraft
8412904090 Other
84129080 Other
8412908010 For use in civil aircraft
8412908020 Bedplate made of solution strengthened ductile iron castings (SSDI), for anchoring and aligning the drive train (gearbox, pedestal bearing, rotor shaft) of a wind turbine with: - a length of 3,5 m or more but not more than 4,5 m, - a width of 2 m or more
8412908030 Gearbox support used as a support and load-carrying component between the gearbox and the bedplate of a wind turbine, made of solution strengthened ductile iron castings (SSDI), with: -a diameter of 2 m or more, but not more than 5 m, -a weight of 2 t
8412908090 Other
8413 Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevators
841311 Pumps fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device
841311 Pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages
841319 Other
8413190010 For use in civil aircraft
8413190090 Other
841320 Handpumps, other than those of subheading|8413|11|or 8413|19
8413200010 For use in civil aircraft
8413200090 Other
841330 Fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines
84133020 Injection pumps
8413302010 For use in civil aircraft
8413302030 Single-cylinder radial-piston high pressure pump for gasoline direct injection with: -|an operating pressure of 200|bar or more, but not more than 350|bar, -|a flow control, and -|a pressure relief valve, for use in the manufacture of engines of mot
8413302040 High-pressure plunger pump for direct diesel injection, with: -an operating pressure of not more than 275 MPa, -a camshaft, -a fluid discharging of 15 cm³ per minute or more, but not more than 1 800 cm³ per minute, -an electric pressure regulating
8413302050 High-pressure plunger pump for direct diesel injection: -with an operating pressure of not more than 275 MPa, -designed to contact the crankshaft, -with an electromagnetic valve
8413302060 High-pressure plunger pump for direct petrol injection: -with an operating pressure of not more than 90 MPa, -designed to contact the crankshaft, -with an electromagnetic valve
8413302090 Other
84133080 Other
8413308010 For use in civil aircraft
8413308090 Other
841340 Concrete pumps
841350 Other reciprocating positive displacement pumps
84135020 Hydraulic units
8413502010 For use in civil aircraft
8413502090 Other
84135040 Dosing and proportioning pumps
8413504010 For use in civil aircraft
8413504090 Other
84135061 Other
84135061 Piston pumps
84135061 Hydraulic fluid power
8413506110 For use in civil aircraft
8413506190 Other
84135069 Other
8413506910 For use in civil aircraft
8413506990 Other
84135080 Other
8413508010 For use in civil aircraft
8413508090 Other
841360 Other rotary positive displacement pumps
84136020 Hydraulic units
8413602010 For use in civil aircraft
8413602090 Other
84136031 Other
84136031 Gear pumps
84136031 Hydraulic fluid power
8413603110 For use in civil aircraft
8413603190 Other
84136039 Other
8413603910 For use in civil aircraft
8413603990 Other
84136061 Vane pumps
84136061 Hydraulic fluid power
8413606110 For use in civil aircraft
8413606190 Other
84136069 Other
8413606910 For use in civil aircraft
8413606990 Other
84136070 Screw pumps
8413607010 For use in civil aircraft
8413607090 Other
84136080 Other
8413608010 For use in civil aircraft
8413608090 Other
841370 Other centrifugal pumps
84137021 Submersible pumps
84137021 Single-stage
84137029 Multi-stage
84137030 Glandless impeller pumps for heating systems and warm water supply
84137035 Other, with a discharge outlet diameter
84137035 Not exceeding 15|mm
8413703510 For use in civil aircraft
8413703589 Other
84137045 Exceeding 15|mm
84137045 Channel impeller pumps and side channel pumps
8413704510 For use in civil aircraft
8413704590 Other
84137051 Radial flow pumps
84137051 Single-stage
84137051 With single entry impeller
84137051 Monobloc
8413705110 For use in civil aircraft
8413705120 Electric brushless direct current motor with single-stage, radial flow pump centrifugal single entry impeller mounted on motor's shaft and volute with integrated heater of nominal power of 1800 W and soldered safety devices, monobloc with the motor, with:
8413705130 Electric brushless direct current motor with single-stage, radial flow pump centrifugal single entry impeller mounted on motor's shaft and volute with integrated heater of nominal power of 1800 W and soldered safety devices, monobloc with the motor, with:
8413705140 Electric brushless direct current motor with single-stage, radial flow pump centrifugal single entry impeller mounted on motor's shaft, monobloc with the motor, volute with integrated heater, with: -a discharge outlet diameter of 20 mm or more, -9 slo
8413705190 Other
84137059 Other
8413705910 For use in civil aircraft
8413705990 Other
84137065 With more than one entry impeller
8413706510 For use in civil aircraft
8413706590 Other
84137075 Multi-stage
8413707510 For use in civil aircraft
8413707590 Other
84137081 Other centrifugal pumps
84137081 Single-stage
8413708110 For use in civil aircraft
8413708190 Other
84137089 Multi-stage
8413708910 For use in civil aircraft
8413708990 Other
841381 Other pumps; liquid elevators
841381 Pumps
8413810010 For use in civil aircraft
8413810090 Other
841382 Liquid elevators
841391 Parts
841391 Of pumps
8413910010 For use in civil aircraft
8413910030 Fuel pump cover: -|consisting of aluminum alloys, -|with a diameter of 38|mm or 50|mm, -|with two concentric, annular grooves formed on its surface, -|anodized, of a kind used in motor vehicles with petrol engines
8413910050 Pump head for two cylinder high pressure pump made of forged steel, with: - milled threaded fittings with a diameter of 10 mm or more but not more than 36,8 mm, and - drilled fuel channels with a diameter of 3,5 mm or more but not more than 10 mm of a kin
8413910090 Other
841392 Of liquid elevators
8414 Air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors and fans; ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters; gas-tight biological safety cabinets, whether or not fitted with filters
841410 Vacuum pumps
84141015 Of a kind used for the manufacture of semiconductors or solely or principally used for the manufacture of flat panel displays
84141025 Other
84141025 Rotary piston pumps, sliding vane rotary pumps, molecular drag pumps and Roots pumps
8414102510 For use in civil aircraft
8414102530 Tandem pump consisting of: -an oil pump with displacement of 21,6 cc/rev (± 2 cc/rev) and working pressure 1,5 bar at 1 000 revolutions per minute, -vacuum pump with displacement of 120 cc/rev (± 12 cc/rev) and performance of -666 mbar in 6 seconds at
8414102590 Other
84141081 Other
84141081 Diffusion pumps, cryopumps and adsorption pumps
8414108110 For use in civil aircraft
8414108190 Other
84141089 Other
8414108910 For use in civil aircraft
8414108930 Electric vacuum pump with: -Controller Area Network (CAN bus), -whether or not with a rubber hose, -a connecting cable with connector, -a mounting bracket for use in the manufacture of goods of Chapter 87
8414108990 Other
841420 Hand- or foot-operated air pumps
84142020 Handpumps for cycles
84142080 Other
8414208010 For use in civil aircraft
8414208090 Other
841430 Compressors of a kind used in refrigerating equipment
84143020 Of a power not exceeding 0,4|kW
8414302010 For use in civil aircraft
8414302020 Hermetic reciprocating refrigeration compressor, for isobutane: -with a 3-phase permanent magnet brushless motor, -having left side suction connection and Power Factor Correction (PFC) inverter, -with a maximum cooling capacity of 150 W or more but
8414302030 Hermetic reciprocating refrigeration compressor for isobutane as refrigerant: -with a 3-phase permanent magnet brushless motor, -having left side suction connection and Power Factor Correction (PFC) inverter feasible to work from 1 300 rpm up to 4 500
8414302040 Hermetic reciprocating compressor, for isobutane as refrigerant with: -a Resistance Start Capacitor Run (RSCR) single phase motor, -a general coefficient of performance factor not lower than 1,93 at ASHRAE conditions, -a maximum cooling capacity of
8414302050 Hermetic reciprocating compressor, for isobutane as refrigerant with: -a Resistance Start Capacitor Run (RSCR) single phase motor, -a general coefficient of performance factor not higher than 1,5 at ASHRAE conditions, -a maximum cooling capacity of
8414302090 Other
84143081 Of a power exceeding 0,4|kW
84143081 Hermetic or semi-hermetic
8414308110 For use in civil aircraft
8414308150 Other
8414308150 Hermetic or semi-hermetic variable-speed electric scroll compressors, with a nominal power rating of 0,5 kW or more but not more than 10 kW, with a displacement volume of not more than 35 cm³, of the type used in refrigeration equipment
8414308160 Hermetic rotary compressors for either hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) or hydrocarbon refrigerants: - driven by ‘on-off’ single phase alternate current (AC) or ‘brushless direct current’ (BLDC) variable speed motors, - with a nominal power rating of not more than
8414308189 Other
84143089 Other
8414308910 For use in civil aircraft
8414308920 Vehicle air conditioning system part, consisting of an open shaft reciprocating compressor of a power of more than 0,4|kW but not more than 10|kW
8414308930 Open shaft, scroll type compressor with clutch assembly, of a power of more than 0,4 kW, for air conditioning in vehicles, for use in the manufacture of motor vehicles of Chapter 87
8414308990 Other
841440 Air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing
84144010 Giving a flow per minute not exceeding 2|m$3
84144090 Giving a flow per minute exceeding 2|m$3
841451 Fans
841451 Table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output not exceeding 125|W
8414510010 For use in civil aircraft
8414510090 Other
841459 Other
84145915 Fans of a kind used solely or principally for cooling microprocessors, telecommunication apparatus, automatic data processing machines or units of automatic data processing machines
84145925 Other
84145925 Axial fans
8414592510 For use in civil aircraft
8414592590 Other
84145935 Centrifugal fans
8414593510 For use in civil aircraft
8414593520 Radial fan, with: -a dimension of 25mm (height) x 85mm (width) x 85mm (depth), -a weight of 120 g, -a rated voltage of 13,6 VDC (direct current voltage), -an operating voltage of 9 VDC or more but not more than 16 VDC (direct current voltage), -a rat
8414593530 Electric blower for cooling the high-voltage battery of a hybrid passenger car with: -a control unit, -MOSFET inverter, -a voltage of 9 V or more but not more than 16 V, -ambient temperature of - 40 °C or more, but not more than 80 °C, for use in
8414593590 Other
84145995 Other
8414599510 For use in civil aircraft
8414599590 Other
841460 Hoods having a maximum horizontal side not exceeding 120|cm
841470 Gas-tight biological safety cabinets
841480 Other
84148011 Turbo-compressors
84148011 Single-stage
8414801110 For use in civil aircraft
8414801190 Other
84148019 Multi-stage
8414801910 For use in civil aircraft
8414801990 Other
84148022 Reciprocating displacement compressors, having a gauge pressure capacity of
84148022 Not exceeding 15|bar, giving a flow per hour
84148022 Not exceeding 60|m$3
8414802210 For use in civil aircraft
8414802220 Air membrane compressor with: -|a flow of 4,5|l/min or more, but not more than 7|l/min, -|power input of not more than 8,1|W, and -|a gauge pressure capacity not exceeding 400|hPa (0,4|bar) of a kind used in the production of motor vehicle seats
8414802290 Other
84148028 Exceeding 60|m$3
8414802810 For use in civil aircraft
8414802890 Other
84148051 Exceeding 15|bar, giving a flow per hour
84148051 Not exceeding 120|m$3
8414805110 For use in civil aircraft
8414805190 Other
84148059 Exceeding 120|m$3
8414805910 For use in civil aircraft
8414805990 Other
84148073 Rotary displacement compressors
84148073 Single-shaft
8414807310 For use in civil aircraft
8414807330 Other
8414807330 Hermetic rotary compressors for either hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) or hydrocarbon refrigerants: - driven by ‘on-off’ single phase alternate current (AC) or ‘brushless direct current’ (BLDC) variable speed motors, - with a nominal power rating of not more than
8414807340 Hermetic heat pump compressor, for R134A or R450A as refrigerant: -with the Single Phase Induction Motor PSC (Permanent Split Capacitor), -having bottom side suction connection and top side discharge connection, -8,1 cm³ or 8,2 cm³ displacement, -
8414807389 Other
84148075 Multi-shaft
84148075 Screw compressors
8414807510 For use in civil aircraft
8414807590 Other
84148078 Other
8414807810 For use in civil aircraft
8414807890 Other
84148080 Other
8414808010 For use in civil aircraft
8414808090 Other
841490 Parts
8414900010 For use in civil aircraft
8414900020 Aluminium pistons, for incorporation into compressors of air conditioning machines of motor vehicles
8414900030 Pressure-regulating system, for incorporation into compressors of air conditioning machines of motor vehicles
8414900040 Drive part, for compressors of air conditioning machines of motor vehicles
8414900080 Turbocharger wheel housing of cast aluminium alloy or cast iron: - with a heat resistance up to 400°C, - with a hole of 30 mm or more but not more than 300 mm for the insertion of the compressor wheel, for use in the automotive industry
8414900090 Other
8415 Air-conditioning machines, comprising a motor-driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated
841510 Of a kind designed to be fixed to a window, wall, ceiling or floor, self-contained or "split-system"
84151010 Self-contained
8415101010 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8415101090 Other
84151090 Split-system
8415109010 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8415109090 Other
841520 Of a kind used for persons, in motor vehicles
8415200010 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8415200090 Other
841581 Other
841581 Incorporating a refrigerating unit and a valve for reversal of the cooling/heat cycle (reversible heat pumps)
8415810010 For use in civil aircraft
8415810091 Other
8415810091 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8415810099 Other
841582 Other, incorporating a refrigerating unit
8415820010 For use in civil aircraft
8415820091 Other
8415820091 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8415820099 Other
841583 Not incorporating a refrigerating unit
8415830010 For use in civil aircraft
8415830090 Other
841590 Parts
8415900010 Of air conditioning machines of subheading Nos 8415|81, 8415|82|or 8415|83, for use in civil aircraft
8415900045 Aluminium connecting block for automotive air conditioning systems:  -with a T6 hardening,  -equipped with round stubs with a circumferential outer groove, -with through or non-through holes, made of profiles with an upper radius of 8 mm or more but
8415900060 Flame-soldered aluminium block, for connecting tube with condenser in car air-conditioning systems, with: -extruded, bent connector lines of aluminium with an external diameter of 5 mm or more, but not more than 25 mm, -a weight of 0,02 kg or more but n
8415900065 Aluminium arc-welded removable receiver dryer, with polyamide and ceramic elements with: -a length of 143 mm or more but not more than 292 mm, -a diameter of 31 mm or more but not more than 99 mm,  -with a weight of not less than 0,12 kg and not mor
8415900091 Other
8415900091 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8415900099 Other
8416 Furnace burners for liquid fuel, for pulverised solid fuel or for gas; mechanical stokers, including their mechanical grates, mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances
841610 Furnace burners for liquid fuel
84161010 Incorporating an automatic control device
84161090 Other
841620 Other furnace burners, including combination burners
84162010 Only for gas, monobloc, incorporating a ventilator and a control device
84162020 Other
84162020 Combination burners
84162080 Other
841630 Mechanical stokers, including their mechanical grates, mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances
841690 Parts
8417 Industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, including incinerators, non-electric
841710 Furnaces and ovens for the roasting, melting or other heat treatment of ores, pyrites or of metals
841720 Bakery ovens, including biscuit ovens
84172010 Tunnel ovens
84172090 Other
841780 Other
84178030 Ovens and furnaces for firing ceramic products
84178050 Ovens and furnaces for firing cement, glass or chemical products
84178070 Other
841790 Parts
8418 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air-conditioning machines of heading|8415
841810 Combined refrigerator-freezers, fitted with separate external doors or drawers, or combinations thereof
84181020 Of a capacity exceeding 340|litres
8418102010 For use in civil aircraft
8418102091 Other
8418102091 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418102099 Other
84181080 Other
8418108010 For use in civil aircraft
8418108091 Other
8418108091 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418108099 Other
841821 Refrigerators, household type
841821 Compression-type
84182110 Of a capacity exceeding 340|litres
8418211010 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418211090 Other
84182151 Other
84182151 Table model
8418215110 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418215190 Other
84182159 Building-in type
8418215910 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418215990 Other
84182191 Other, of a capacity
84182191 Not exceeding 250|litres
8418219110 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418219190 Other
84182199 Exceeding 250|litres but not exceeding 340|litres
8418219910 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418219990 Other
841829 Other
8418290010 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418290090 Other
841830 Freezers of the chest type, not exceeding 800|litres capacity
84183020 Of a capacity not exceeding 400|litres
8418302010 For use in civil aircraft
8418302091 Other
8418302091 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418302099 Other
84183080 Of a capacity exceeding 400|litres but not exceeding 800|litres
8418308010 For use in civil aircraft
8418308091 Other
8418308091 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418308099 Other
841840 Freezers of the upright type, not exceeding 900|litres capacity
84184020 Of a capacity not exceeding 250|litres
8418402010 For use in civil aircraft
8418402091 Other
8418402091 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418402099 Other
84184080 Of a capacity exceeding 250|litres but not exceeding 900|litres
8418408010 For use in civil aircraft
8418408091 Other
8418408091 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418408099 Other
841850 Other furniture (chests, cabinets, display counters, showcases and the like) for storage and display, incorporating refrigerating or freezing equipment
84185011 Refrigerated showcases and counters (incorporating a refrigerating unit or evaporator)
84185011 For frozen food storage
8418501110 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418501190 Other
84185019 Other
8418501910 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418501990 Other
84185090 Other refrigerating furniture
8418509010 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418509090 Other
841861 Other refrigerating or freezing equipment; heat pumps
841861 Heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading|8415
8418610010 For use in civil aircraft
8418610091 Other
8418610091 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418610099 Other
841869 Other
8418690010 For use in civil aircraft
8418690091 Other
8418690091 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418690099 Other
841891 Parts
841891 Furniture designed to receive refrigerating or freezing equipment
841899 Other
84189910 Evaporators and condensers, excluding those for refrigerators of the household type
8418991010 For use in certain types of aircraft
8418991081 Other
8418991081 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418991087 Other
84189990 Other
8418999010 Of refrigerating equipment adapted to the air-conditioning system, for use in certain types of aircraft
8418999020 Aluminium connecting block for connecting to a condenser manifold in welding process: -hardened to T6 or T5 temper, -with a weight of not more than 150 g, -with a length of 20 mm or more but not more than 150 mm, -with a fixing rail in one piece
8418999030 Receiver dryer profile for connecting to a condenser manifold in welding process with: -a braze flatness of not more than 0,2 mm, -a weight of 100 g or more but not more than 600 g, -a fixing rail in one piece
8418999091 Other
8418999091 Pre-charged with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
8418999099 Other
8419 Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment, whether or not electrically heated (excluding furnaces, ovens and other equipment of heading|8514), for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature such as heating, cooking, roasting,
841911 Instantaneous or storage water heaters, non-electric
841911 Instantaneous gas water heaters
841912 Solar water heaters
841919 Other
841920 Medical, surgical or laboratory sterilisers
841933 Dryers
841933 Lyophilisation apparatus, freeze drying units and spray dryers
841934 Other, for agricultural products
841935 Other, for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard
841939 Other
841940 Distilling or rectifying plant
841950 Heat-exchange units
84195020 Heat exchange units made of fluoropolymers and with inlet and outlet tube bores with inside diameters measuring 3|cm or less
84195080 Other
8419508010 For use in civil aircraft
8419508090 Other
841960 Machinery for liquefying air or other gases
841981 Other machinery, plant and equipment
841981 For making hot drinks or for cooking or heating food
84198120 Percolators and other appliances for making coffee and other hot drinks
8419812010 For use in civil aircraft
8419812090 Other
84198180 Other
8419818010 For use in civil aircraft
8419818090 Other
841989 Other
84198910 Cooling towers and similar plant for direct cooling (without a separating wall) by means of recirculated water
84198930 Vacuum-vapour plant for the deposition of metal
84198998 Other
841990 Parts
84199015 Of sterilisers of subheading|8419|20|00
84199085 Other
8419908510 Of heat exchange units, for use in civil aircraft
8419908540 Silicone or plastic keyboards, comprising: -parts of common metal, and -whether or not comprising parts of plastic, -epoxy resin reinforced with fiberglass or wood, -whether or not printed or surface-treated, -with or without electrical conducto
8419908590 Other
8420 Calendering or other rolling machines, other than for metals or glass, and cylinders therefor
842010 Calendering or other rolling machines
84201010 Of a kind used in the textile industry
84201030 Of a kind used in the paper industry
84201081 Other
84201081 Roll laminators of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of printed circuit substrates or printed circuits
84201089 Other
842091 Parts
842091 Cylinders
84209110 Of cast iron
84209180 Other
842099 Other
8421 Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquids or gases
842111 Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers
842111 Cream separators
842112 Clothes dryers
842119 Other
84211920 Centrifuges of a kind used in laboratories
84211970 Other
842121 Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids
842121 For filtering or purifying water
8421210010 For use in civil aircraft
8421210020 Water pre-treatment system comprising one or more of the following elements, whether or not incorporating modules for sterilization and sanitization of these elements: -|ultrafiltration system -|carbon filtration system -|water softener system for u
8421210090 Other
842122 For filtering or purifying beverages other than water
842123 Oil or petrol filters for internal combustion engines
8421230010 For use in civil aircraft
8421230090 Other
842129 Other
84212920 Made of fluoropolymers and with filter or purifier membrane thickness not exceeding 140|microns
84212980 Other
8421298010 For use in civil aircraft
8421298090 Other
842131 Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for gases
842131 Intake air filters for internal combustion engines
8421310010 For use in civil aircraft
8421310090 Other
842132 Catalytic converters or particulate filters, whether or not combined, for purifying or filtering exhaust gases from internal combustion engines
842139 Other
84213915 With stainless steel housing, and with inlet and outlet tube bores with inside diameters not exceeding 1,3|cm
84213925 Other
84213925 Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air
8421392510 For use in civil aircraft
8421392590 Other
84213935 Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying other gases
84213935 By a catalytic process
8421393510 For use in civil aircraft
8421393590 Other
84213985 Other
8421398510 For use in civil aircraft
8421398590 Other
842191 Parts
842191 Of centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers
842199 Other
84219910 Parts of machinery and apparatus of subheadings 8421|29|20|or 8421|39|15
84219990 Other
8421999010 Of filtering or purification machinery and apparatus for liquids or gases, for use in certain types of aircrafts
8421999091 Parts of equipment, for the purification of water by reverse osmosis, consisting of a bundle of hollow fibres of artificial plastic material with permeable walls, embedded in a block of artificial plastic material at one end and passing through a block of
8421999092 Parts of equipment for the purification of water by reverse osmosis, consisting essentially of plastic-based membranes, supported internally by woven or non-woven textile materials which are wound round a perforated tube, and enclosed in a cylindrical pla
8421999099 Other
8422 Dishwashing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; o
842211 Dishwashing machines
842211 Of the household type
842219 Other
842220 Machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers
842230 Machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; machinery for aerating beverages
842240 Other packing or wrapping machinery (including heat-shrink wrapping machinery)
842290 Parts
84229010 Of dishwashing machines
84229090 Other
8423 Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5|cg or better), including weight-operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds
842310 Personal weighing machines, including baby scales; household scales
84231010 Household scales
84231090 Other
842320 Scales for continuous weighing of goods on conveyors
84232010 Using electronic means for gauging weight
84232090 Other
842330 Constant weight scales and scales for discharging a predetermined weight of material into a bag or container, including hopper scales
84233010 Using electronic means for gauging weight
84233090 Other
842381 Other weighing machinery
842381 Having a maximum weighing capacity not exceeding 30|kg
84238121 Using electronic means for gauging weight
84238121 Check weighers and automatic control machines operating by reference to a pre-determined weight
84238123 Machinery for weighing and labelling pre-packaged goods
84238125 Shop scales
84238129 Other
84238180 Other
842382 Having a maximum weighing capacity exceeding 30|kg but not exceeding 5|000|kg
84238220 Using electronic means for gauging weight, excluding machines for weighing motor vehicles
84238281 Other
84238281 Check weighers and automatic control machines operating by reference to a pre-determined weight
84238289 Other
842389 Other
84238920 Using electronic means for gauging weight
84238980 Other
842390 Weighing machine weights of all kinds; parts of weighing machinery
84239010 Parts of weighing machinery of subheadings 8423|20|10, 8423|30|10, 8423|81|21, 8423|81|23, 8423|81|25, 8423|81|29, 8423|82|20|or 8423|89|20
84239090 Other
8424 Mechanical appliances (whether or not hand-operated) for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders; fire extinguishers, whether or not charged; spray guns and similar appliances; steam or sandblasting machines and similar jet projecting machin
842410 Fire extinguishers, whether or not charged
8424100010 For use in civil aircraft
8424100090 Other
842420 Spray guns and similar appliances
842430 Steam or sandblasting machines and similar jet projecting machines
84243001 Water cleaning appliances, with built-in motor
84243001 With heating device
84243008 Other
84243010 Other machines
84243010 Compressed air operated
84243090 Other
842441 Agricultural or horticultural sprayers
842441 Portable sprayers
842449 Other
84244910 Sprayers and powder distributors designed to be mounted on or drawn by tractors
84244990 Other
842482 Other appliances
842482 Agricultural or horticultural
84248210 Watering appliances
84248290 Other
842489 Other
84248940 Mechanical appliances for projecting, dispersing, or spraying of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of printed circuits or printed circuit assemblies
84248970 Other
842490 Parts
84249020 Parts of mechanical appliances of subheading 8424|89|40
84249080 Other
8424908020 Of fire extinguishers, for use in certain types of aircraft
8424908080 Other
8425 Pulley tackle and hoists other than skip hoists; winches and capstans; jacks
842511 Pulley tackle and hoists other than skip hoists or hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles
842511 Powered by electric motor
842519 Other
842531 Winches; capstans
842531 Powered by electric motor
842539 Other
842541 Jacks; hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles
842541 Built-in jacking systems of a type used in garages
842542 Other jacks and hoists, hydraulic
842549 Other
8426 Ships' derricks; cranes, including cable cranes; mobile lifting frames, straddle carriers and works trucks fitted with a crane
842611 Overhead travelling cranes, transporter cranes, gantry cranes, bridge cranes, mobile lifting frames and straddle carriers
842611 Overhead travelling cranes on fixed support
842612 Mobile lifting frames on tyres and straddle carriers
842619 Other
842620 Tower cranes
842630 Portal or pedestal jib cranes
842641 Other machinery, self-propelled
842641 On tyres
842649 Other
842691 Other machinery
842691 Designed for mounting on road vehicles
84269110 Hydraulic cranes designed for the loading and unloading of the vehicle
84269190 Other
842699 Other
8427 Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment
842710 Self-propelled trucks powered by an electric motor
84271010 With a lifting height of 1|m or more
84271090 Other
842720 Other self-propelled trucks
84272011 With a lifting height of 1|m or more
84272011 Rough terrain fork-lift and other stacking trucks
84272019 Other
84272090 Other
842790 Other trucks
8427900011 Hand pallet trucks
8427900011 Consigned from Thailand
8427900013 Consigned from Viet Nam
8427900019 Other
8427900030 Hand pallet trucks with a so-called “weight indication system” consisting of a weighing mechanism not integrated in the chassis, that is to say not integrated in the forks
8427900080 Other
8428 Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery (for example, lifts, escalators, conveyors, teleferics)
842810 Lifts and skip hoists
84281020 Electrically operated
84281080 Other
842820 Pneumatic elevators and conveyors
84282020 For bulk materials
84282080 Other
842831 Other continuous-action elevators and conveyors, for goods or materials
842831 Specially designed for underground use
842832 Other, bucket type
842833 Other, belt type
842839 Other
84283920 Roller conveyors
84283990 Other
842840 Escalators and moving walkways
842860 Teleferics, chairlifts, ski-draglines; traction mechanisms for funiculars
842870 Industrial robots
842890 Other machinery
84289071 Loaders specially designed for use in agriculture
84289071 Designed for attachment to agricultural tractors
84289079 Other
84289090 Other
8429 Self-propelled bulldozers, angledozers, graders, levellers, scrapers, mechanical shovels, excavators, shovel loaders, tamping machines and roadrollers
842911 Bulldozers and angledozers
842911 Track laying
842919 Other
842920 Graders and levellers
842930 Scrapers
842940 Tamping machines and roadrollers
84294010 Roadrollers
84294010 Vibratory
84294030 Other
84294090 Tamping machines
842951 Mechanical shovels, excavators and shovel loaders
842951 Front-end shovel loaders
84295110 Loaders specially designed for underground use
84295191 Other
84295191 Crawler shovel loaders
84295199 Other
842952 Machinery with a 360° revolving superstructure
84295210 Track-laying excavators
84295290 Other
842959 Other
8430 Other moving, grading, levelling, scraping, excavating, tamping, compacting, extracting or boring machinery, for earth, minerals or ores; piledrivers and pile extractors; snowploughs and snowblowers
843010 Piledrivers and pile extractors
843020 Snowploughs and snowblowers
843031 Coal or rock cutters and tunnelling machinery
843031 Self-propelled
843039 Other
843041 Other boring or sinking machinery
843041 Self-propelled
843049 Other
843050 Other machinery, self-propelled
843061 Other machinery, not self-propelled
843061 Tamping or compacting machinery
843069 Other
8431 Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of headings|8425|to 8430
843110 Of machinery of heading|8425
843120 Of machinery of heading|8427
8431200011 Chassis and hydraulics for hand pallet trucks
8431200011 Consigned from Thailand
8431200013 Consigned from Viet Nam
8431200019 Other
8431200030 Drive axle assembly containing differential, reduction gears, crown wheel, drive shafts, wheel hubs, brakes and mast mounting arms for use in the manufacture of vehicles in heading 8427
8431200040 Aluminium core, plastic tank radiator, with integral steel support structure and an open core square wave design of 9|fins per 2,54|cm of core length for use in the manufacture of vehicles of heading 8427
8431200050 Chassis and hydraulics, with a so-called ‘weight indication system’ consisting of a weighing mechanism not integrated in the chassis, that is to say not integrated in the forks
8431200080 Other
843131 Of machinery of heading|8428
843131 Of lifts, skip hoists or escalators
843139 Other
843141 Of machinery of heading|8426, 8429|or 8430
843141 Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips
843142 Bulldozer or angledozer blades
843143 Parts for boring or sinking machinery of subheading|8430|41|or 8430|49
843149 Other
84314920 Of cast iron or cast steel
84314980 Other
8432 Agricultural, horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation; lawn or sports-ground rollers
843210 Ploughs
843221 Harrows, scarifiers, cultivators, weeders and hoes
843221 Disc harrows
843229 Other
84322910 Scarifiers and cultivators
84322930 Harrows
84322950 Rotovators
84322990 Other
843231 Seeders, planters and transplanters
843231 No-till direct seeders, planters and transplanters
843239 Other
84323911 Seeders
84323911 Central driven precision spacing seeders
84323919 Other
84323990 Planters and transplanters
843241 Manure spreaders and fertiliser distributors
843241 Manure spreaders
843242 Fertiliser distributors
843280 Other machinery
843290 Parts
8433 Harvesting or threshing machinery, including straw or fodder balers; grass or hay mowers; machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other agricultural produce, other than machinery of heading|8437
843311 Mowers for lawns, parks or sports grounds
843311 Powered, with the cutting device rotating in a horizontal plane
84331110 Electric
84331151 Other
84331151 Self-propelled
84331151 With a seat
84331159 Other
84331190 Other
843319 Other
84331910 With motor
84331910 Electric
84331951 Other
84331951 Self-propelled
84331951 With a seat
84331959 Other
84331970 Other
84331990 Without motor
843320 Other mowers, including cutter bars for tractor mounting
84332010 With motor
84332050 Other
84332050 Designed to be carried on or hauled by a tractor
84332090 Other
843330 Other haymaking machinery
843340 Straw or fodder balers, including pick-up balers
843351 Other harvesting machinery; threshing machinery
843351 Combine harvester-threshers
843352 Other threshing machinery
843353 Root or tuber harvesting machines
84335310 Potato diggers and potato harvesters
84335330 Beet-topping machines and beet harvesters
84335390 Other
843359 Other
84335911 Forage harvesters
84335911 Self-propelled
84335919 Other
84335985 Other
843360 Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other agricultural produce
843390 Parts
8434 Milking machines and dairy machinery
843410 Milking machines
843420 Dairy machinery
843490 Parts
8435 Presses, crushers and similar machinery used in the manufacture of wine, cider, fruit juices or similar beverages
843510 Machinery
843590 Parts
8436 Other agricultural, horticultural, forestry, poultry-keeping or bee-keeping machinery, including germination plant fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment; poultry incubators and brooders
843610 Machinery for preparing animal feedingstuffs
843621 Poultry-keeping machinery; poultry incubators and brooders
843621 Poultry incubators and brooders
843629 Other
843680 Other machinery
84368010 Forestry machinery
84368090 Other
843691 Parts
843691 Of poultry-keeping machinery or poultry incubators and brooders
843699 Other
8436990010 Part containing: -|a single-phase AC motor, -|an epicyclic gearing, -|a cutter blade and whether or not containing: -|a capacitor, -|a part fitted with a threaded bolt for use in the manufacture of garden shredders
8436990090 Other
8437 Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables; machinery used in the milling industry or for the working of cereals or dried leguminous vegetables, other than farm-type machinery
843710 Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables
843780 Other machinery
843790 Parts
8438 Machinery, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter, for the industrial preparation or manufacture of food or drink, other than machinery for the extraction or preparation of animal or fixed vegetable or microbial fats or oils
843810 Bakery machinery and machinery for the manufacture of macaroni, spaghetti or similar products
84381010 Bakery machinery
84381090 Machinery for the manufacture of macaroni, spaghetti or similar products
843820 Machinery for the manufacture of confectionery, cocoa or chocolate
843830 Machinery for sugar manufacture
843840 Brewery machinery
843850 Machinery for the preparation of meat or poultry
843860 Machinery for the preparation of fruits, nuts or vegetables
843880 Other machinery
84388010 For the preparation of tea or coffee
84388091 Other
84388091 For the preparation or manufacture of drink
84388099 Other
843890 Parts
8439 Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard
843910 Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material
843920 Machinery for making paper or paperboard
843930 Machinery for finishing paper or paperboard
843991 Parts
843991 Of machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material
843999 Other
8439990010 Suction-roll shells, produced by centrifugal casting, not drilled, in the form of alloy-steel tubes, of a length of 3|000|mm or more and an external diameter of 550|mm or more
8439990090 Other
8440 Bookbinding machinery, including book-sewing machines
844010 Machinery
84401010 Folding machines
84401020 Collating machines and gathering machines
84401030 Sewing, wire stitching and stapling machines
84401040 Unsewn (perfect) binding machines
84401090 Other
844090 Parts
8441 Other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds
844110 Cutting machines
84411010 Combined reel slitting and re-reeling machines
84411020 Other slitting and cross-cutting machines
84411030 Guillotines
84411070 Other
844120 Machines for making bags, sacks or envelopes
844130 Machines for making cartons, boxes, cases, tubes, drums or similar containers, other than by moulding
844140 Machines for moulding articles in paper pulp, paper or paperboard
844180 Other machinery
844190 Parts
84419010 Of cutting machines
84419090 Other
8442 Machinery, apparatus and equipment (other than the machines of headings|8456|to 8465) for preparing or making plates, cylinders or other printing components; plates, cylinders and other printing components; plates, cylinders and lithographic stones, prepa
844230 Machinery, apparatus and equipment
844240 Parts of the foregoing machinery, apparatus or equipment
844250 Plates, cylinders and other printing components; plates, cylinders and lithographic stones, prepared for printing purposes (for example, planed, grained or polished)
8443 Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading|8442; other printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, whether or not combined; parts and accessories thereof
844311 Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading|8442
844311 Offset printing machinery, reel fed
844312 Offset printing machinery, sheet fed, office type (using sheets with one side not exceeding 22|cm and the other side not exceeding 36|cm in the unfolded state)
844313 Other offset printing machinery
84431310 Sheet fed
84431310 Used
84431332 New, taking sheets of a size
84431332 Not exceeding 53|!x!|75|cm
84431334 Exceeding 53|!x!|75|cm but not exceeding 75|!x!|107|cm
84431338 Exceeding 75|!x!|107|cm
84431390 Other
844314 Letterpress printing machinery, reel fed, excluding flexographic printing
844315 Letterpress printing machinery, other than reel fed, excluding flexographic printing
844316 Flexographic printing machinery
844317 Gravure printing machinery
844319 Other
84431920 For printing textile materials
84431940 For use in the production of semiconductors
84431970 Other
844331 Other printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, whether or not combined
844331 Machines which perform two or more of the functions of printing, copying or facsimile transmission, capable of connecting to an automatic data-processing machine or to a network
844332 Other, capable of connecting to an automatic data-processing machine or to a network
84433210 Printers
84433280 Other
844339 Other
844391 Parts and accessories
844391 Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading|8442
84439110 Of apparatus of subheading|8443|19|40
84439191 Other
84439191 Of cast iron or cast steel
84439199 Other
844399 Other
84439910 Electronic assemblies
84439990 Other
8444 Machines for extruding, drawing, texturing or cutting man-made textile materials
84440010 Machines for extruding
84440090 Other
8445 Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weft-winding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines o
844511 Machines for preparing textile fibres
844511 Carding machines
844512 Combing machines
844513 Drawing or roving machines
844519 Other
844520 Textile spinning machines
844530 Textile doubling or twisting machines
844540 Textile winding (including weft-winding) or reeling machines
844590 Other
8446 Weaving machines (looms)
844610 For weaving fabrics of a width not exceeding 30|cm
844621 For weaving fabrics of a width exceeding 30|cm, shuttle type
844621 Power looms
844629 Other
844630 For weaving fabrics of a width exceeding 30|cm, shuttleless type
8447 Knitting machines, stitch-bonding machines and machines for making gimped yarn, tulle, lace, embroidery, trimmings, braid or net and machines for tufting
844711 Circular knitting machines
844711 With cylinder diameter not exceeding 165|mm
844712 With cylinder diameter exceeding 165|mm
844720 Flat knitting machines; stitch-bonding machines
84472020 Warp knitting machines (including Raschel type); stitch-bonding machines
84472080 Other
844790 Other
8448 Auxiliary machinery for use with machines of heading|8444, 8445, 8446|or 8447|(for example, dobbies, jacquards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this he
844811 Auxiliary machinery for machines of heading|8444, 8445, 8446|or 8447
844811 Dobbies and jacquards; card-reducing, copying, punching or assembling machines for use therewith
844819 Other
844820 Parts and accessories of machines of heading|8444|or of their auxiliary machinery
844831 Parts and accessories of machines of heading|8445|or of their auxiliary machinery
844831 Card clothing
844832 Of machines for preparing textile fibres, other than card clothing
844833 Spindles, spindle flyers, spinning rings and ring travellers
844839 Other
844842 Parts and accessories of weaving machines (looms) or of their auxiliary machinery
844842 Reeds for looms, healds and heald-frames
844849 Other
844851 Parts and accessories of machines of heading|8447|or of their auxiliary machinery
844851 Sinkers, needles and other articles used in forming stitches
84485110 Sinkers
84485190 Other
844859 Other
8449 Machinery for the manufacture or finishing of felt or nonwovens in the piece or in shapes, including machinery for making felt hats; blocks for making hats
8450 Household or laundry-type washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry
845011 Machines, each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 10|kg
845011 Fully-automatic machines
84501111 Each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 6|kg
84501111 Front-loading machines
84501119 Top-loading machines
84501190 Each of a dry linen capacity exceeding 6|kg but not exceeding 10|kg
845012 Other machines, with built-in centrifugal drier
845019 Other
845020 Machines, each of a dry linen capacity exceeding 10|kg
845090 Parts
8451 Machinery (other than machines of heading|8450) for washing, cleaning, wringing, drying, ironing, pressing (including fusing presses), bleaching, dyeing, dressing, finishing, coating or impregnating textile yarns, fabrics or made-up textile articles and m
845110 Dry-cleaning machines
845121 Drying machines
845121 Each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 10|kg
845129 Other
845130 Ironing machines and presses (including fusing presses)
845140 Washing, bleaching or dyeing machines
845150 Machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics
845180 Other machinery
84518010 Machines used in the manufacture of linoleum or other floor coverings for applying the paste to the base fabric or other support
84518030 Machines for dressing or finishing
84518080 Other
845190 Parts
8452 Sewing machines, other than book-sewing machines of heading|8440; furniture, bases and covers specially designed for sewing machines; sewing machine needles
845210 Sewing machines of the household type
84521011 Sewing machines (lock-stitch only), with heads of a weight not exceeding 16|kg without motor or 17|kg including the motor; sewing machine heads (lock-stitch only), of a weight not exceeding 16|kg without motor or 17|kg including the motor
84521011 Sewing machines having a value (not including frames, tables or furniture) of more than €|65|each
84521019 Other
84521090 Other sewing machines and other sewing machine heads
845221 Other sewing machines
845221 Automatic units
845229 Other
845230 Sewing machine needles
845290 Furniture, bases and covers for sewing machines and parts thereof; other parts of sewing machines
8453 Machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather or for making or repairing footwear or other articles of hides, skins or leather, other than sewing machines
845310 Machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather
845320 Machinery for making or repairing footwear
845380 Other machinery
845390 Parts
8454 Converters, ladles, ingot moulds and casting machines, of a kind used in metallurgy or in metal foundries
845410 Converters
845420 Ingot moulds and ladles
845430 Casting machines
84543010 For casting under pressure
84543090 Other
845490 Parts
8455 Metal-rolling mills and rolls therefor
845510 Tube mills
845521 Other rolling mills
845521 Hot or combination hot and cold
845522 Cold
845530 Rolls for rolling mills
84553010 Of cast iron
84553031 Of open-die forged steel
84553031 Hot-rolling work-rolls; hot-rolling and cold-rolling back-up rolls
84553039 Cold-rolling work-rolls
84553090 Other
845590 Other parts
8456 Machine tools for working any material by removal of material, by laser or other light or photon beam, ultrasonic, electrodischarge, electrochemical, electron beam, ionic-beam or plasma arc processes; water-jet cutting machines
845611 Operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes
845611 Operated by laser
84561110 Of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of printed circuits, printed circuit assemblies, parts of heading 8517, or parts of automatic data processing machines
84561190 Other
845612 Operated by other light or photon beam processes
84561210 Of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of printed circuits, printed circuit assemblies, parts of heading 8517, or parts of automatic data processing machines
84561290 Other
845620 Operated by ultrasonic processes
845630 Operated by electrodischarge processes
84563011 Numerically controlled
84563011 Wire-cut
84563019 Other
84563090 Other
845640 Operated by plasma arc processes
845650 Water-jet cutting machines
845690 Other
8457 Machining centres, unit construction machines (single station) and multi-station transfer machines, for working metal
845710 Machining centres
84571010 Horizontal
84571090 Other
845720 Unit construction machines (single station)
845730 Multi-station transfer machines
84573010 Numerically controlled
84573090 Other
8458 Lathes (including turning centres) for removing metal
845811 Horizontal lathes
845811 Numerically controlled
84581120 Turning centres
84581141 Automatic lathes
84581141 Single spindle
84581149 Multi-spindle
84581180 Other
845819 Other
845891 Other lathes
845891 Numerically controlled
84589120 Turning centres
84589180 Other
845899 Other
8459 Machine tools (including way-type unit head machines) for drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping by removing metal, other than lathes (including turning centres) of heading|8458